Brewing Sustainability with a Carbon-Negative Goal

In today’s episode, our guest speakers are Stephen Tyson, Co-Founder, and CEO, and Bernardo Zamora, Co-Founder, of Karbon Brewing Co. about how they are developing the technological innovations required to construct a truly sustainable brewery and business. Its goal is to be Canada’s first carbon-negative brewery. Bernardo also discussed how he first became interested in climate change solutions. They expressed their strong dedication to environmental sustainability, justice, equity, and fair work, among other things. Karbon Brewing is actually embodying their social values. The essential features of the Karbon business model were set out in reference to the UN SDGs. We also discussed their interest in track and trace, particularly the use of blockchain technologies to improve supply chain and raw material quality transparency.

Karbon Brewing Co. is situated in Toronto, Ontario, and prioritizes sustainability in everything they do. The Karbon story began with a simple idea: develop beverages that taste amazing while also benefiting the environment. Our objective is to make better beer for a better world, and we are looking for real-world change. They concentrate on using green technology in the brewing process and cleaning up their supply chain. In the middle of a global pandemic in 2020, the founders united their enthusiasm for the hospitality and beer industries with their desire to construct a brighter future.

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