Investing in the Future of Sustainable Agriculture through Soil Regeneration

Adrian Ferraro, Co-Founder, and CEO of Biome Makers Inc. discuss how they are connecting soil life into the digital realm. He also discussed how the microbiome, or community of microbes, plays an important role in plant development. We also spoke about the ecological interaction that helps farmers and agronomists maximize plant fertilization. He also discusses the three elements of sustainability, including the necessity of social sustainability. Adrian also discussed how microbes play an important role in carbon sequestration. The quantity of carbon that the soil can sequester is determined by the amount of organic matter in the soil. We also discuss the need for regenerative agricultural security on particular platforms. He also discussed the products, testing differences, and final outputs, as well as how they assess the farm on a 0-100 scale to determine how sustainable the farm is and how excellent its management systems are.

Biome Makers is a global agtech company located in California that models soil functioning to improve arable soil production. They integrate soil biology into agricultural decision-making processes to help farmers and counteract the deterioration of arable soils, hence boosting carbon storage in soil. They monitor the biological condition of the soil and give agronomic insights to enhance agricultural operations using their premier soil tech platform, BeCrop. This technology may also be used to evaluate the effectiveness of agro-biologicals and various farming strategies.

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