Redefining the Future of Dine-In Experience

In the latest episode of Future Food Cast, our host Pam Leinmiller discusses with Frazer Nagy, CEO of Tablz, how they are redefining and leveraging the future of the dining experience.
Frazer has an extensive history of working in restaurants. He also spoke about his first tech-oriented business called Transparent Kitchen. Frazer’s describes how Tablz enables restauranteurs to offer their prime table positions for direct booking by customers for a premium fee. This is akin to airlines charging more for first-class seating and exact seat selection over and beyond basic coach ticket rates. Frazer also discussed why sustainability and transparency in the restaurant industry are quintessential for customer experience.

Tablz, based in Ottawa, Ontario, is a restaurant platform that is redefining the future of dining. Tablz features a distinct and enticing revenue plan. Tablz is a discrete and voluntary opt-in service that allows guests to upgrade to the table that best suits their preferences during the reservation booking process.

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