The Spice of Life: Driving Innovation and Quality in the Chili Industry

In today’s episode, we speak with Travis Day, the Executive Director of the New Mexico Chile Association. We discuss how the association innovates in the chili industry and provides quality products while supporting farmers, growers, and manufacturers. Travis shares the background of NMCA as a non-profit organization supporting the chili industry and its efforts to promote the industry through advocacy. He also talks about the New Mexico Certified Chili Program and its use by authentic farmers, processors, and restaurants. Travis highlights the challenges of addressing labor shortages and the process of mechanical harvesting of chili peppers from plants. He shares information on new varieties that offer increased yields, worker programs, and water issues, as well as distribution and inflation challenges. Travis emphasizes NMCA’s commitment to preserving cultural significance, supporting farmers, and ensuring quality products.

The New Mexico Chile Association (NMCA) has advocated for the signature crop and industry of New Mexico Chile for over ten years. As a non-profit organization, its goal is to ensure that the chili industry continues to thrive in New Mexico. They are made up of growers, processors, manufacturers, and others involved in the chili industry.

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