Transforming Food- Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose in a Healthy and Delicious Way

In this episode, Leslie Lampert, Founder of Ladle of Love, describes how trashed food may be transformed into healthy and nutritious meals. She talked about how she started her company and how she makes healthy, tasty meals from local farms for individuals in need, such as the Mount Kisco Boys and Girls Club. She revealed her favorite methods for reducing food waste. Leslie offered ideas for transforming rotten food into tasty, healthful dinners and for reducing food waste at home. We also discussed the #restaurant industry and how no food waste is important in the food industry. She also discussed how to make excellent dishes out of refrigerated rejects and food. She discussed the need for food pre-composting. She also expressed a need for sustainability in local sourcing food.

Ladle Of Love-It represents sustainably sourced cuisine, community support, and a caring work family. For 18 years, Ladle of Love has supported communities, businesses, food insecure people, and frontliners as Westchester’s first locally produced, prepared-food brand.

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Dive into the Future of Food Podcast.