In this episode, Karla Ferster, Founder of Frog Friendly Wild Coffee, ponders why transparency is important in coffee and what transparency really means. She also discussed the challenges and offered a glimpse of ideas that can shape the future of the coffee industry.
There has been a long-overdue cultural shift in marketing: customers are now in charge of their interactions with brands, rather than the other way around. Their expectations are high, and they have a poor tolerance for subpar experiences. Customers who are dissatisfied with a brand rapidly switch to another. If you want loyal, long-term consumers, you must achieve their expectations.
Frog Friendly Coffee is distinct in important ways. On our company-owned land in Oaxaca, Mexico, Frog Friendly Coffee is distinct in important ways. On our company-owned land in Oaxaca, Mexico, Frog grows WILD under the cover of the cloud forest. It is not farmed. The environment remains unchanged. Chemical sprays and pesticides do not enter the equation. Seeded amongst the mango trees, vanilla orchids, cocoa, and wild flora of the last remaining intact cloud forest of Mexico, Frog Friendly beans are a step beyond organic or fair trade. They are available on grocery store shelves of major grocers in Western Canada and are providing a bridge between “specialty” coffee and mainstream.